Sic Bo, commonly known as "Big and Small," is a game played with dice. In Sic Bo, various players place bets against the banker. Before each bet, the banker shakes three dice inside a covered container. Once all players have placed their bets, the container is opened to determine the outcomes. Since the most common bet is on the size of the dice total, it is often referred to as betting on "Big and Small." Sic Bo is a Dubo game where the banker always holds an advantageous position. Players cannot improve their chances of winning through skill, and in the long run, only the banker will come out victorious.
The table below shows the general odds and winning chances for various Sic Bo bets. Among all the betting options, "Big and Small" is the most favorable for players, but the banker still maintains an advantage.
| Bet | Winning Method | Payout | Probability | Expected Value | Banker's Advantage |
| Big (Total 11-17) | Wins on Total 11 to 17 | 1 to 1 | 48.61% | -0.0278 | 2.78% |
| Small (Total 4-10) | Wins on Total 4 to 10 | 1 to 1 | 48.61% | -0.0278 | 2.78% |
| Triple (e.g., 111) | Wins on Specific Triple | 180 to 1| 0.463% | -0.162 | 16.2% |