When the cost of using fiat currency is too high, it increases the demand for digital currencies. Similarly, when the cost of using digital currency is relatively high compared to fiat currency, the market demand for fiat currency is likely to increase. In the current situation where the exact costs of using currencies cannot be determined, the relative costs of using digital currencies are unlikely to be low enough to replace fiat currencies.
This study aligns with the widespread trend of central banks, as they are actively exploring the deployment of digital currencies within their institutions and other entities or organizations.
In fact, the authors believe that as such dual-currency systems become more prevalent, their research can provide financial regulatory authorities with a deeper understanding of the developmental dynamics involved.
Our research findings can be valuable for policymakers and regulatory authorities as they seek to understand this new currency system—where privately issued digital currencies coexist with currencies issued by central banks.
This document represents the latest research results from the Bank of Korea, which is considered a central bank that has made significant strides in blockchain technology. |