Roulette offers numerous betting opportunities, making it easier to identify probability deviations and launch attacks for winning. With 37 numbers, equivalent to a deck of cards, each outcome has a 1/37 chance. Although baccarat appears fair with a 50/50 split, the chances of deviating from this balance are high, making it easy to lose significantly. In the next round of baccarat, there are 200 million possible combinations for Banker/Player, or 1/(200 trillion), while the roulette wheel consistently remains at 1/37. Disregarding Dai Zilang's claim that baccarat cannot be cracked, some players' perspectives have changed, and perhaps they are correct.
Of course, there are opportunities to beat baccarat, but they must be based on certain strict conditions. In reality, the casino advantage is not significantly different between roulette and baccarat. Roulette's maximum bet limit in any betting area is even lower than baccarat's, and what casinos fear most is players having opportunities. For instance, providing complimentary food and drinks aims to make players leave, but at that point, players choose to stay, and that is the advantage. |