"Telegram has been hearing rumors about going paid for a while, but when things seemed uncertain... the CEO spoke up. Recently, the CEO finally responded to this matter, saying, 'If you all want me to charge you, I'll do it!' Paid features will start this month, but the free version will still exist.
The much-beloved social messaging app, Telegram, is about to introduce a paid service. Just on the 10th, Telegram's founder and CEO Pavel Durov officially announced that Telegram will be launching 'Telegram Premium' subscription service later this month. To reassure users, Durov promises that existing features will remain free, and many new free features will be introduced in the future. Durov stated, 'After careful consideration, we realized that offering paid options is the only way to provide more to our most demanding fans while keeping our existing features free. That's why we're launching 'Telegram Premium' this month, a paid subscription plan that anyone can get for additional features, speed, and resources.' It will also allow users to support Telegram and join a club for priority access to new features.
Hearing about charging may make some people uncomfortable. For instance, the penny-pinching folks like me, Liumiu, might not be thrilled. It's a bit unbalanced since it started as a free service. However, this time, the fee won't be very high, and it's affordable for everyone. It costs just $4.99 and includes 4GB file upload limits (now 2GB for free users), faster download speeds, voice message transcription, advanced stickers, unique message animations, ad-free public channels, a Premium badge on your profile, advanced chat management, and more.
Even if you don't subscribe to Telegram Premium, you can still enjoy some benefits! For example, you can view large files, media, and maps sent by premium users, or reply to premium user reactions fixed in messages in the same way." |