I'm not sure how much a designer handbag should be worth to everyone. Many people tend to think of brands like Gucci, LV, Dior, etc. Yesterday, I saw a young girl online happily showing off her small CK designer handbag. However, in the comments section, some online trolls wrote that a 263 Malaysian Ringgit bag doesn't need to be flaunted. One sentence from the young girl silenced the trolls.
A 17-year-old girl from Singapore was flaunting the new bag her father bought for her online. She shared that it was her first designer bag in her life. Surprisingly, this attracted comments from online trolls who sarcastically questioned what brand a 263 Ringgit bag was. The young girl responded by expressing her deep appreciation for the bag and criticized the trolls, saying, ""Wealth makes you ignorant.
In response to the trolls' comments, she uploaded another video, explaining that her family is not wealthy. Even the bread from BreadTalk (Singapore's largest bakery chain) is considered a luxury item for them. When they moved from the Philippines to Singapore, her parents always said they would buy from BreadTalk next time, but those next times never happened. She also tearfully mentioned that while the 80 Singapore Dollar bag might not be a big deal to some, it's already a significant luxury for her and her family. She expressed gratitude for her father who worked hard to buy her the bag.
However, the ""designer handbag controversy"" didn't end there, as some netizens still believed she might be exaggerating her impoverished life in Singapore. After all, Filipino workers in Singapore have a certain wage level, and some suspected that she might just be doing it for online fame.
In the end, it's essential not to let wealth make you poor in spirit. Share what makes you happy, but be prepared for online trolls. What matters most is your own happiness. |
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