When you choose the number 112, there are three possible combinations that can result in a win.
First, the first and second numbers drawn can be 1, and the third number can be 2. This has a probability of 10% x 10% x 10% = 0.1%.
Second, the first and third numbers drawn can be 1, and the second number can be 2. Again, this has a probability of 10% x 10% x 10% = 0.1%.
Lastly, the second and third numbers drawn can be 1, and the first number can be 2. The probability for this combination is also 10% x 10% x 10% = 0.1%.
By adding up these probabilities, we get a total probability of 0.3% or 1 in 333.33.
Therefore, when you choose the number 112, your chances of winning are 0.3% or 1 in 333.33.